Conditions of cancellation fund

Affiliation with the cancellation fund is not mandatory, but is recommended. Joining the cancellation fund allows you to be indemnified for the cost of cancellation of the rental accommodation or camping pitch. Cancellation requests must always be requested in writing.

If cancellation is due to:

1. Serious accident, serious illness or death of:
a. the insured person.
b. his relatives by blood or by marriage in the 1st or 2nd degree. as well as his household members, insofar as there is a chance of immediate danger to life.

2. Involuntary unemployment of the participating head of household through no fault of his/her own.

3. Final breakdown of the marriage, for which divorce proceedings are initiated after booking. With this is equated the dissolution of a notarized cohabitation agreement.

Closing the cancellation fund is only possible directly at the time of booking. The cancellation fund provides coverage from the day of booking until no later than 14 days before the effective date of the reservation. To qualify for payment from the cancellation fund, a cancellation statement and sufficient supporting documents must be submitted. In case of cancellation there will be no refund of the reservation fee and the cancellation fund premium. The premium is 6.0% of the total amount of the stay.

In case of the above circumstances, we will return 100% of the total cost of stay or rental excluding the reservation fee and cancellation fund premium.

4. Refunds for cancellation request in case of circumstances other than those mentioned above (1 to 3). The management will make a decision regarding the granting of your request. In case of granting, the following regulation will be applied:
a. 100% of the total cost of the stay or rental if the cancellation occurs within 7 days of the date of the reservation confirmation, except for reservations made within 42 days prior to arrival.
b. 50% of the total cost of stay or rent, if cancelled between 7 days after the date of the reservation confirmation and 42 days before the date of arrival.
c. 25% of the total cost of stay or rental, for cancellation between 42 days and 14 days before the arrival date.
5. No refund
a. No refunds will be made for cancellations from 14 days before the arrival date. The total cost of stay or rental will be charged. Including the reservation costs and the premium for the cancellation fund.
b. In case of earlier departure than reserved due to the reason mentioned under point 1, there will be no refund of payments made. Unused vacation days may be used on a pro rata basis at another time in the same calendar year provided that sufficient accommodation is available for the newly selected period.
c. In case of later arrival than booked there will be no refund of payments made.
d. In circumstances not covered by these conditions, the management will decide.